This is one of the most important questions you need to ask yourself. Acquiring a loan is a big responsibility to take on as you are expected to be able to consistently pay your monthly installments on time. You may consider enrolling in automatic payments to ensure you don’t miss a due date. Remember, your payment habits also affect your credit score, which would allow you to acquire more credit in the future.
Now that you’ve answered these questions, are you ready to take the next step towards achieving your life’s goals?
Funding your needs to achieve your life goals with CIMB Bank is easy! With just a few taps on your phone, you can apply for a Personal Loan on the CIMB Bank PH App and seize life’s goals! You can loan as much as PHP 1 million when you apply with only one ID and one payslip. Enjoy ZERO disbursement fees when you opt to disburse your loan to your CIMB Bank account. Absolutely no early settlement fees. Experience a fast and seamless all-digital application.