Financial Inclusion Survey

*This field is mandatory.

At CIMB, we are committed to advance the transformation of the banking landscape and promote financial inclusion in the Philippines. To better understand how we can serve the community better, we’re conducting a short survey on financial inclusion.

Your insights will help us improve our efforts to make banking accessible to everyone. We value your time and feedback—thank you for helping us build a more inclusive financial future!

Before opening an account with us, have you ever had a bank account previously?*

This field is required

If yes, what type of account/s did you have?*

This field is required

If no, what were the reasons for not having a bank account? (Select all that apply)

This field is required

  • By submitting this form, I acknowledge that CIMB Bank Philippines reserves the right to review and process my responses.
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Review and submit.
Cardmember Details
{{ reviewItem.label }}
{{ reviewItem.value }}
Redemption Item(s)
{{ property.quantity.value }} x {{ property.category.value }}
{{ (parseInt(property.points.value) * parseInt(property.quantity.value)).toLocaleString() }} BP
{{ property.productCode.value }} {{ property.productName.value }}
{{ property.membership.value }}
Total Points
{{ parseInt( }} BP
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